UsefulOctopus Energy contact number

Octopus Energy contact number

Searching for the contact number for Octopus Energy? Look no further. Octopus Energy understands the importance of clear communication and has streamlined its channels to ensure you’re always heard. Whether you’re reaching out via their dedicated Octopus Energy Contact Number or exploring other methods of communication, this guide ensures you’re always connected.

Contact Octopus Energy for:

There are multiple reasons for consumers to try and contact Octopus Energy. Below you can learn more about these reasons, but also the most efficient contact methods depending on the reason for reaching out. The contact numbers for Octopus Energy will be bolded in the text, so you can easily pick them up.

Submitting Your Meter Reading with Octopus Energy

  • Why It Matters:
    • Submitting meter readings might seem mundane, but it’s pivotal.
    • Avoid overpaying for unused energy or unexpected debts.
  • When & How:
    • Reminder: Octopus Energy will ping you around the 25th of each month.
    • Deadline: Ensure submission by the 1st to reflect in your invoice.
    • Missed it? An estimated bill awaits, often higher than actual consumption.
  • Submission Methods:
    • Online: Access your account.
    • Smart Meter: It’s automatic!
    • Phone Number: Dial 0808 164 1088.
    • Email: Shoot a mail to [email protected].
    • In-Person: A meter reader can visit.
      • Haven’t submitted for a while? Octopus sends TMA or Lowri Beck readers. Always ask for ID!

Facing Issues with Your Octopus Energy Smart Meter?

  • Common Issues:
    • Sometimes, meters malfunction. Often, it’s a simple fix.
    • Older meters (SMETS1) might lose features if Octopus can’t connect.
    • Only SECURE™ SMETS1 meters are currently compatible. But, updates are coming!
  • Solution:

Lost Your Top-Up Key/Card?

  • Replacement:
    • Misplacing keys/cards happens. Get a replacement swiftly.
    • Octopus doesn’t support smart prepayment meters yet.
    • Order: Email [email protected] or call 0808 164 1088. A fee might apply.

Bill Payments & Top-Ups

  • Importance:
    • Ensure continuous energy supply. Your fridge needs it, even when you’re vacationing!
    • Initial payment might be required to cover the first month.
  • Payment Methods:
    • Preferred: Direct debit.
    • Alternatives: Bank transfer, cheque, credit/debit card, PayPoint.
    • Manage: Use your online account or call 0808 164 1088.

Relocating? Contact Octopus Energy

  • Procedure:
    • Contact them via your online account or [email protected].
    • Notify at least 17 days prior for seamless energy supply in the new home.
    • Moving into an Octopus-supplied home? Look for a ‘move-in’ card in the mail.
    • No card? Email [email protected] with essential details.

Got a Complaint?

  • Raise Your Complaint:
    • Email [email protected].
    • Or, write to their office in London.
    • Most issues are addressed within a day; over 90% within 8 weeks.

Warm Home Discount: A Winter Relief

  • Purpose:
    • Aims to assist low-income households during winter.
    • Avail a £140 discount to manage rising energy costs.
  • Eligibility:
    • Core Group: Those receiving the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit.
    • Broader Group: Based on specific benefits and criteria. Annual application needed.
    • More Info: Call 0800 731 0214.

We hope that this short article helped you in finding the correct  Octopus Energy contact number.

Note: The contact methods for Octopus Energy and details provided above are based the information that was available when the article was written. It’s advisable to visit the official Octopus Energy website for the most up-to-date contact details. Their official website is found here.



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